When you are spending money on renovation, you must be smart enough to ensure that you get the value for your money spent. Therefore, think over all the aspects when you are renovating your house. Thus, a renovation check list is very important. However, most of the people skip these aspects until the process has been started. Therefore, one must go through the renovation check list to make sure nothing is overlooked in the process. Preparing a checklist is a must to also keep a check on the budget. Going through the checklist to help plan your renovation work for your house, office or commercial shops and execute it more effectively and efficiently.


  • Home Maintenance and Repair – Look out for structural rather than architectural fix. Preservation of the house is the key.
  • Look out for the plaster of the walls and ceilings.
  • Inspect the condition of the roof if it is not in good condition.
  • Inspect if the gutters function properly.
  • Look out for the water logging on the roof. If water logging is possible, repair before it worsens.
  • Check thoroughly for any type of roof leakage or dampness in the rooms.
  • Ensure the skim coat be done properly if needed because patches would appear in old houses.
  • Inspect the longevity of the wiring. Change the wiring if it is too old as it poses threat to the house.
  • Inspect the electrical fixtures like switches, switchboards.
  • Inspect the condition of the plumbing system of the house.
  • Old galvanized pipes, fitted in old houses must be replaced due to corrosion and blockage by rust.
  • Consider checking of the sewer line. You definitely want to avoid a blocked sewerage line.
  • Inspect for any leaking or outdated plumbing fixtures.
  • Consider wall partition for well-planned space utilization.
  • Inspect any broken floor tiles or wall tiles.
  • Inspect for the floor plan and the placement of the wall, and consider structural changes.
  • Look out for the condition of the paints- both interior and exterior. Consider painting the surface accordingly.
  • Consider renovating the landscape of the house, if required.

Finally, after sorting out the things about what you need, hiring the best professional is necessary to carry out the renovation work effectively and economically.